The ex­am­in­ated gal­vano­play­er, ste­reo­typeur and pho­to­graph­er was born in 1961 in Leipzig.

Since 1980 he has been work­ing as a med­ic­al pho­to­graph­er at the University Hos­pit­al Leipzig. Freel­ance he worked until the early 1990s as a pho­to­graph­er for pub­lish­ers such as Edi­tion Leipzig, Seeman­nver­lag and Ura­nia. His ini­tial artist­ic work was mainly ded­ic­ated to pho­to­graphy.

Through close, even friendly, con­tacts with artists of the "Leipzig School" he came very in­tens­ively into con­tact with visu­al arts. In­flu­enced by this his freel­ance focus has shif­ted on ac­ryl­ic paint­ing. Ma­ter­i­al struc­tures of micro- and macro pho­to­graphy serve him as the source of ideas. His pic­tures are made in many lay­ers of paint, which are often ap­plied by means of a squee­gee and par­tially re­worked over and over again. In ad­di­tion to ac­ryl­ic paints, metal foils and oils are often in­cor­por­ated into the struc­ture. This leads to ran­dom but de­sir­able ef­fects.