
We as artists and or­gan­izers of! are look­ing for­ward to sup­port - wheth­er fin­an­cial, ma­ter­i­al or act­ive - in order to im­ple­ment our art ideas and pro­jects.

our sup­port­ers

- in al­pha­bet­ic order -

JEDERMANNS - Bürgerbüro Holger Mann

SPD cit­izens' of­fice Hol­ger Mann

With Hol­ger Mann, we have been able to win a Leipzig SPD politi­cian as a sup­port­er of our pro­ject, who has per­son­ally been in­volved in Leipzig's art scene for years.

Since Janu­ary 2017, he has been run­ning his JEDERMANNs of­fice on Georg-Schu­mann-Strasse in the north of Leipzig. The ex­ist­ing 40 m² shop area is avail­able for events from polit­ics, cul­ture, eco­nomy and so­ci­ety. The of­fice should be a ref­er­ence point for every­one. Here, ex­hib­i­tions and film ex­hib­i­tions, lit­er­at­ure and dis­cus­sions, work­ing group meet­ings and cof­fees can take place. The offer is aimed at and in the gen­er­al pub­lic!

The IT part­ner for mu­ni­cip­al­it­ies and mu­ni­cip­al com­pan­ies

Every six months, Lecos or­gan­izes ex­hib­i­tions with a ver­n­is­sage in their of­fices. They pay the ex­hib­it­ing artists an ap­pro­pri­ate ex­hib­i­tion fee and thus primar­ily sup­port Leipzig artists.
As ART.IS! we are pleased to cre­ate a pleas­ant of­fice at­mo­sphere with the works of our artists for both Lecos em­ploy­ees and cus­tom­ers at reg­u­lar in­ter­vals.

Lecos GmbH is a con­sult­ant and ser­vice pro­vider for the di­git­iz­a­tion of local gov­ern­ment. This is about cit­izen-friendly ad­min­is­trat­ive ser­vices via the In­ter­net as well as the eco­nom­ic design of ad­min­is­trat­ive pro­cesses. Cus­tomers in­clude, among oth­ers, the city of Leipzig, the as­so­ci­ation for mu­ni­cip­al in­form­a­tion pro­cessing, as well as mu­ni­cip­al in-house and cul­tur­al busi­nesses, e.g. the Ge­wand­haus Orches­tra in Leipzig and the Leipzig Opera.

How you can sup­port us:

With your sup­port you will strengthen the art and! You can sup­port our activ­it­ies to keep the web­site up-to-date, to op­tim­ize ex­ist­ing pro­jects and to start new pro­jects, to par­ti­cip­ate at ex­hib­i­tions and fairs, ...

You can sup­port our art in a vari­ety of ways:

  • as a spon­sor (with at­tri­bu­tion)
  • as a spon­sor (without at­tri­bu­tion) or
  • through act­ive co­oper­a­tion.

Of course, we also offer you at­tract­ive counter-ser­vices in the form of dis­counts on works of art, free entry to paid events as well as ad­vert­ising for your com­pany.

In the spon­sor­ship present­a­tion, we will ex­plain how sup­port might look. We will be pleased to work with you on how you can use the pro­ject! best pos­sible sup­port - please con­tact us.

You can con­tact us via the con­tact de­tails.

Your team of

Kunst ist