Kunst ist

art.is! - on­line since septem­ber 01, 2016.

The idea of KUNST.IST! was foun­ded by Leipzig artists who want to reach the widest pos­sible audi­ence by rep­res­ent­ing their art­works from var­ied styles on the joined plat­form. KUNST.IST! of­fers ori­gin­al art­work and lim­ited ed­tions in small sizes with col­lect­or´s char­ac­ter­ist­ics of artists wich could not be more dif­fer­ent in their artist­ic and tech­nic­al ex­pres­sion. Every vis­it­or of the web­site or from com­mon events and ex­hib­i­tions should be able to find "his" work of art. With the on­line plat­form, the pro­ject has re­ceived a pub­licly ef­fect­ive reach.

At KUNST.IST! the qual­ity and sig­ni­fic­ance of the art­work is at the fore­front, not the edu­ca­tion or the de­gree of re­cog­ni­tion of an artist. The se­lec­tion of work also does not place any claim on artist­ic per­fec­tion. Im­port­ant ist that it is not a single work of an artist, but a concept and an own style are re­cog­niz­able. The art shown here does not ne­ces­sar­ily have to cor­res­pond to the cur­rent no­tions of polit­ic­al cor­rect­ness or the ac­tu­ally liked art, but ac­cord­ing to our cri­ter­ia ap­peal you as audi­ence and being art.

Our ad­just­ment is: art.is! di­verse and col­or­ful.

Your team of

Kunst ist

Be­hind KUNST.IST! stands Bernhard Berres as an in­ti­at­or of the pro­ject. In his first talks with artists he ex­plored their in­terest in the pro­ject. This al­most led to the name find­ing. In Septem­ber 2016 the first start-up took place with a pro­vi­sion­al web­site. The logo was cre­ated as a writ­ing ex­er­cise in thought with the word play and has since then de­veloped mem­or­able. With dif­fer­ent color schemes, it of­fers cre­at­ive artist­ic free­dom.

Through his con­tacts with artists, or­gan­izers and en­tre­pren­eurs, he has drummed the start-up troop and the first donors to fin­ance the pro­ject. So the pro­ject could start "in a new dress" already six months after the first ideas at the be­gin­ning of April 2017.

Now it is about im­ple­ment­ing pro­jects and win­ning both par­ti­cipants and sup­port­ers for the fu­ture. And nat­ur­ally cus­tom­ers who are in­ter­ested in the art of KUNST.IST!