The most strik­ing fea­ture of his painted works is the ex­per­i­ment. Theme and ex­pres­sion in­ev­it­ably lead to a cor­rel­a­tion, which re­curs as a con­stant ten­sion in the im­ages. The ef­fect is cre­ated by the game with the prin­ciples of chaos and order as design ele­ments and often in­volve in­ter­est­ing sur­prises.

Also in ma­ter­i­als and tech­no­logy, he can no means un­tried: color fonts, scratch, crack and cut­ting tech­niques, everything has its place in dra­mat­ic cel­eb­ra­tion of the design pro­cess.

Günter Meinl was born in 1942 in Teplitz and lives in Leipzig. He is a qual­i­fied print­er and was until 1994 a pub­lish­er man­u­fac­turer and journ­al­ist. Since 1995, he held teach­ing po­s­i­tions at vari­ous edu­ca­tion­al in­sti­tu­tions as a freel­ance lec­turer in ty­po­graphy, print­ing and pro­cessing tech­niques. His pro­fes­sion­al ca­reer was marked be­side it, to choose the right means of design, the right word or the right ap­proach. His ex­per­i­ences are sup­por­ted by the know­ledge of the emer­gence of the idea of the im­ple­ment­a­tion in prac­tice, the ex­ist­ence and res­ol­u­tion: rules and chaos. This is re­flec­ted in his painted works.

Since 2003 he is a mem­ber of Lütz­schen­aer artist circle where cur­rently 13 artists are in­volved. The an­nu­al “Auen Gallery” and the circle of artists are known for their high artist­ic qual­ity.