Born 1955 in Mag­de­burg. Stu­dent of the Mag­de­burg sculptors Eber­hard Roßdeutscher and Ur­sula Sch­neider-Schulz and of the draw­ing teach­er Wil­helm Paulke1979-1984 stud­ied art his­tory at the University of Leipzig.
Act­ive primar­ily as an artist in Leipzig and Wan­zer / Alt­mark.

His sculp­tur­al fig­ures are well in the tra­di­tion of clas­sic­al sculp­ture, but can also be in­spired by eth­no­graph­ic im­agery and mod­ern art trends. Dur­ing the work pro­cess, they grow from ini­tially only vague designs, then gain a cer­tain life of their own, have to en­dure a num­ber of crises and, if all suc­ceeds, can in the end com­bine in­tern­al dy­nam­ics and power with a bal­anced volume.

For his lar­ger fig­ures he uses paper as raw ma­ter­i­al. In some months of work, in­ter­rup­ted again and again by dry­ing phases, they emerge from many lay­ers of paper that are more and more solid on the out­side, mak­ing them rather sturdy. Only where it is ne­ces­sary for the stat­ics, or where parts could break off, re­in­force­ments made of iron are in­cor­por­ated. So­me­times he paints the sur­faces or en­livens them with colored pa­pers and gold foils, oc­ca­sion­ally sup­ple­men­ted with jew­el­ery, sym­bols or eth­no­lo­gic­al arte­facts.