In his works and his world of thoughts, Doo Hyoun is ex­tremely di­verse. In this way he artist­ic­ally ad­apts both pho­to­graphy as well as ac­ryl­ic and oil paint­ing.

His cur­rent works from 2016/2017 are pre­dom­in­antly oil paint­ings. Through the play of ab­strac­tion and the un­der­ly­ing struc­ture, they open up the view­er with a wide range of in­ter­pret­at­ive pos­sib­il­it­ies. On closer ex­am­in­a­tion, one re­cog­nizes nature in the form of land­scapes as a fun­da­ment­al motif in his works - partly more, partly less su­per­fi­cially.

He gives his works no names but a work num­ber. He does not want to in­flu­ence by name what a view­er sees in the pic­ture. The view­er should be able to make his own dis­cov­er­ies in the work of art. He wanted to let the view­er's thoughts and feel­ings un­fold freely.

At! Doo Hyoun presents his pro­ject "Happy­ness - feel happy", which is a pro­ject idea of Doo Hyoun in col­lab­or­a­tion with! for a series of 12 works. The artist and the view­er as a pos­sible buyer should feel happy.

What goal we want to achieve in con­crete terms with the "feel­ing happy"-pro­ject is solved at the end of the pro­ject peri­od. We are look­ing for­ward to your re­ac­tions to the pro­ject.