XIX. open ateliers Leipzig 2020 - Ateli­er Christa Manz-De­wald

Once a year, the doors of the artists' stu­di­os in all dis­tricts of Leipzig open to in­ter­ested vis­it­ors - this year on Septem­ber 20 between 2 and 7 p.m. for the 19th time.

The rooms oth­er­wise hid­den from the pub­lic allow a very spe­cial look be­hind the scenes of art, be­cause here artist­ic ideas gradu­ally take shape. Wheth­er in paint­ing, sculp­ture, pho­to­graphy, video, graph­ic tech­niques or mul­ti­di­men­sion­al ob­jects, cre­at­ive pro­cesses of artist­ic prac­tice can be ex­per­i­enced in a re­laxed at­mo­sphere every­where. The dir­ect ex­change with the artists on site en­ables dir­ect ac­cess to art on the one hand and gives ini­tial feed­back on "newly born" works on the other. You can too be sur­prised in some places by work­shops, ex­hib­i­tions and music of­fers.

You are cor­di­ally in­vited to be in­spired by the art and the artist Christa.

Date: 20.09.2020
Ateli­er Christa Manz-De­wald | Kul­turhof Gohlis | Eis­en­acher Str. 72 | 04155 Leipzig
Time: 2 pm - 9 pm