Gerd Bekker (Papersculptures)
Christa Manz-Dewald (Photopaintings)
Michael Schreckenberger (Paintings)
From august, 17. to august, 26. 2018 KUNST.IST! is showing a selection of Gerd Bekkers Paper-Sculptures, Christa Manz-Dewalds photopaintings and Michael Schreckenbergers paintings at Gohliser Schlösschen.
The artist community KUNST.IST! opens its first exhibition in the Gohliser Schlösschen on 17.08.2018 at 18:00 clock.
Under the title "Verdichtungen" the artists
- Gerd Bekker (paper sculptures)
- Christa Manz-Dewald (photo drawings)
- Michael Schreckenberger (painting and sculptures)
show a selection of her current works.
The presented artists symbolize the diversity and diversity of KUNST.IST! represented artists.
Gerd Bekker's free-form paper sculptures fascinate with his technique, creating additional life-size sculptures reminiscent of earlier cultures without additional stabilization.
Christa Manz-Dewald creates in a dualism of acting and granting photo-drawings, for which she uses chemical processes, lets photo developers act in image development and fixes the aesthetic result.
Michael Schreckenberger, known as the "matchmaker" integrates his trademark in both his classic matchstick paintings and his surrealist-socio-critical productions as well as his plaster cast figures.
At the vernissage, the artistic approaches of the three are presented in dialogue with the artists. The opening of the exhibition is musically accompanied by the duo Bassonante, who set some accents with chello and bassoon.
Parallel to the exhibition in the West Arcade, further works by eight artists will be on display at the Restaurant & Café Gohliser Schlösschen until the end of the year. These works can be visited during the restaurant's opening hours.
Vernissage: 17.08.2018 | 6 pm
Finissage: 26.08.2018 | 4 pm
Place: Gohliser Schlösschen, "Gartenarkade", Entrance from Poetenweg, 04155 Leipzig
Time: 18.08.2018 - 26.08.2018 | 3m-7pm