Restless von Michael Schreckenberger

Sur­real works by Mi­chael Schreck­en­ber­ger in the "Höfe am Brühl "

POPART MEETS SURREALISM - under this title stands the up­com­ing ex­hib­i­tion of Martin Her­mel­ing and Mi­chael Schreck­en­ber­ger. Shown are new Po­part col­lages by Martin Her­mel­ing and cur­rent sur­real works by Mi­chael Schreck­en­ber­ger. 

After the Ateli­er Her­mel­ing / Schreck­en­ber­ger was opened in 2016, a year full of pas­sion and many cre­at­ive im­pulses has passed. The artists are look­ing for­ward to present­ing their works in the first double ex­hib­i­tion in 2017. Enjoy ex­cit­ing con­ver­sa­tions as well as new ideas and in­spir­a­tion.

Loca­tion: Höfe am Brühl, 04109 Leipzig, out­side ac­cess in the pas­sage zone of the two build­ings

Vern­is­sage: Fri­day, April 21, 2013 from 7 pm
Open­ing hours: Mon-Sat 14:00-18:00 o´c­lock