ORTE - Reichsluftfahrtministerium Berlin
ORTE - Reichsluftfahrtministerium Berlin von Peter Paul Lorenz

PLACES - Pho­to­graphs by Peter Paul Lorenz

Ex­hib­i­tion in the con­text of the Ta­pet­en­werkfest­iv­al with spring round tour

One of the lis­ted "places" is the former Reichsluftfahrts­min­is­teri­um in Ber­lin, today used as a fed­er­al fin­ance min­istry. On the pho­to­graphs, the his­tor­i­an Dr. Hen­rik Eberle gives an over­view of the his­tory of the build­ing.

Other places are "places: mari­tim": pho­to­graphed through­out Europe in ports, shipyards and coasts. In calm, si­lent at­ten­tion, these im­ages ra­di­ate the dig­nity and power of the places on the water.

Loca­tion: "Claveti Teikori" in the Ta­pet­en­werk, Haus A, Lützn­er Str. 91, 04177 Leipzig
Vern­is­sage: Fri­day, 28.04.2017 | 7:00 pm | with mu­sic­al ac­com­pani­ment by the band Leipzi­ger Dreier­lei
round tour: 29./30.04.2017 | 12:00 - 16:00 o´c­lock
Open­ing hours: 02.05.2017-08.09.2017 | Mon-Fri | 10:00 - 17:00 o´c­lock