at the night of art
The night of art will take place for the eleventh time at Georg-Schumann-Str. From the Chausseehaus to the Town Hall Wahren, art is displayed in rescuing buildings, in offices, shops, cafes, backyards and on the street
Places: see following
Time: 04.09.2021 | 4 pm to 12 pm

Gerd Bekker
at night of art at
Gohliser Str. 20
04155 Leipzig

Heike Kitzinger
at night of art at
Turm - Atelier and Studio
Lützowstr. 34
04155 Leipzig

Ingolf Riemer
at night of art at
Atelier Riemer
Blumenstr. 53
04155 Leipzig

Michael Schreckenberger
Construct free space
Spring 2020. Lockdown. Rethinking for the Leipzig artist Michael Schreckenberger. Not inevitable, but with the temporarily closed Galerie am Brühl, work in the studio is also taking a back seat for him. He sets priorities, devotes himself to what is possible: the commissioned work, the facade design in the fresh air. He creates space for himself and his art.
The thematic orientation of his latest paintings is not surprising. After all, we have become very sensitive to our individual freedom in the last few months. We actually assume them, they seem highly plausible to us, we almost feel a right to them. Restriction and withdrawal, on the other hand, disappoint, annoy, hurt, frustrate and feel unattractive. Schreckenberger plays with free spaces, captures them on the canvas - as paradoxical as this may sound.
In a limited picture space, the coherence between the quite diverse picture objects then becomes a challenge. He has to help with creative means, forcing it into composition. The proven barrier tape helps. But it doesn’t just lash together what doesn’t really fit. He consciously confronts it. The barrier tape has recently and inevitably celebrated the boom, is uncomfortably familiar to us because it interferes with our reality and can redesign or even take away spaces.
Schreckenberger quite consciously demands distance. After all, it is the distance to the subject that makes an experience possible at all. It is only when we step back that we can perceive open spaces as unnatural. It is the change of perspective that exposes them, soon makes them appear absurd and selfish.
His exhibition on the night of art is the first solo exhibition this year. Above all, there will be paintings: fantastic, realistic and 100% contemporary.
The exhibition is supervised throughout. Michael will be there from 8:00 p.m.