Kunst ist

at the night of art

fol­low­ing artists of ART.IS! are tak­ing part on the night of art on Georg-Schu­mann-Str. at 05.09.2020:

  • Gerd Bek­ker, Ort noch offen
  • Heike Kitzinger imTurm-Ateli­er, Lützowstr. 34, 04155 Leipzig (Ateli­erge­meinsch­aft Mari­on Claashen/Heike Kitzinger) 
  • Christa Manz-De­wald, im Ateli­er­bereich Neue-Musik-Leipzig, Eis­en­acher Str. 72, 04155 Leipzig
  • In­golf Riemer, Ateli­er Riemer, Blu­men­str. 55, 04155 Leipzig

The night of art will take place for the el­ev­enth time at Georg-Schu­mann-Str. From the Chaussee­haus to the Town Hall Wahren, art is dis­played in res­cuing build­ings, in of­fices, shops, cafes, back­yards and on the street.

Places: see be­fore
Time: 05.09.2020 | 4 pm to 12 pm