Verschnaufpause von Natalia Simonenko

Paint­ings of Natalia Si­mon­en­ko
at Gohliser Schloss, Leipzig

From may, 12. to may, 27. 2018 Natalia Si­mon­en­ko is show­ing a se­lec­tion of her work at Gohliser Schlösschen titeled 'Begegnun­gen' to­geth­er with some other artists.

The ex­hib­i­tion is cur­ated by Ker­stin Her­r­lich

Vern­is­sage: 12.05.2018 | 5 pm 
27.05.2018 | 3 pm
Place: Gohliser Schlösschen, "Garten­arkade", En­trance from Po­eten­weg, 04155 Leipzig
13.05.2018 - 27.05.2018 | 12am-5pm - exept of 14.-18. and 22.-25.05.2018: 3 to 5pm