à temps 6
á temps 6 von Christa Manz-Dewald

Jazz and lit­er­ary lib­er­a­tion

"Me, with the cheers in the chest !!"
of self-es­teem, de­par­ture; power: res­ist­ance

Text se­lec­tion, in­tro­duc­tion & re­cit­a­tion: Peter Pohl­mann - Co­logne
Jazz piano: Richard Brügge­mann - Leipzig
Graph­ic works: Christa Manz-De­wald - Leipzig

The photo draw­ings cre­ated by Christa Manz-De­wald for the texts form the op­tic­al frame­work for this dia­logue.

Or­gan­izer: KuK Gohlis in co­oper­a­tion with the Budde-Haus

Date: 08.02.2019
Time: 8:00pm
Bud­de­haus | Lützowstr. 19 | 04155 Leipzig
14,90 € / re­duced 11,90 €