"In prin­ciple human"
Acryl­ic paint­ings from Heike Kitzinger and Mi­chael Schreck­en­ber­ger at

From Novem­ber 29, 2017 to the end of Janu­ary 2018, Heike Kitzinger and Mi­chael Schreck­en­ber­ger will be ex­hib­it­ing a se­lec­tion of their works under the title "In Prin­ciple Human" at the Bür­ger­büro JEDERMANNS.

"The works of Heike Kitzinger and Mi­chael Schreck­en­ber­ger present human and sim­ul­tan­eously so­cial situ­ations in dif­fer­ent sur­real­ist­ic styles, mov­ing between ab­surdity and con­tem­por­ary in­tim­acy, both po­s­i­tions not shy­ing away from so­ciocrit­ic­al in­ter­pret­a­tions, which makes their works of art all the more sus­pense­ful and sur­pris­ing de­scribe." (Ste­fan Kausch)

Vern­is­sage: 29.11.2017 | 7 am
JEDERMANNS - SPD citi­cen of­fice, Georg-Schu­mann-Str. 133, 04155 Leipzig
30.11.2017 - 26.01.2018 | Mo-We-Fr. from 10 pm to 5:30 am

JEDERMANNS - Bürgerbüro Holger Mann