
In this year's spe­cial ex­hib­i­tion   e r o t i c   in the Ateli­er Schreck­en­ber­ger / Her­mel­ing at the WGT (Wave Gothik Tref­fen), artists from KUNST.IST!, erot­icARTist and the artist ÖLE present pho­to­graphs, paint­ings and sculp­tures. The spec­trum ranges from clas­sic acts to sens­it­ive erot­i­cism to in­tim­ate de­tails. You can also see male char­ac­ters.

Place: Ateli­er Schreck­en­ber­ger / Her­mel­ing, Höfe am Brühl, 04109 Leipzig
Time: 07.06.2019 - 10.06.2019 | 12am to 6 pm