Visionäre von Michael Schreckenberger

Art á la carte by Mi­chael Schreck­en­ber­ger

His so­ci­et­al cri­ti­cism is an in­ter­play between real­ism and ab­strac­tion. Ex­per­i­ences and vis­ions - some­times hid­den, some­times in front - often com­bined with the match­stick as a sym­bol­ic per­son of­fers the view­er in­ter­pret­a­tion lat­it­ude.

Loca­tion: Hotel Für­sten­hof - from the lobby to the foyer Ru­bin­saal, Trönd­linring 8, 04105 Leipzig
Dur­a­tion: 22.06.2017 - 31.08.2017
Fin­is­sage: De­tails fol­low