
KOMPOSITIONS - In­golf Riemer_Pho­to­graphy and paint­ings

The artists of KUNST.IST! have used the last few months to trans­form their en­ergy into cre­at­ive di­versity.

With our first ex­hib­i­tion after the clos­ing up, we want to give you a first glimpse into this new work. The works of other artists will fol­low ...

Gerd Bek­ker re­cently banned his struc­tur­al pat­terns on can­vas and thus ex­pan­ded his range of sculp­tures with a new vari­ant

Bernhard Berres re­mains true to his black-and-white pho­to­graphs.

Marco Jüttner de­vel­ops his well-known tech­no­logy into new di­men­sions.

In­golf Riemer touches with his col­or­ful and life-af­firm­ing pic­ture com­pos­i­tions.

We look for­ward to your visit on the open­ing even­ing and we will greet you with a re­spect­ful dis­tance.

Cur­rent in­form­a­tion on pos­sible vis­it­or in­form­a­tion and open­ing times can be found on our web­site under Ex­hib­i­tions.

Loca­tion: Ateli­er Riemer, Blu­men­str. 53, 04155 Leipzig
Vern­is­sage: 02.07.2021
Open­ings: 03./04. July 2021 - 3:00-7:00 AM
Dur­a­tion: 03.07.2021 - 31.07.2021 -- open­ing on re­quest