She has de­veloped her own pictori­al lan­guage with which she mas­ter­fully ex­presses her vis­ion of the world. She is not in­ter­ested in pho­to­graph­ic

ac­cur­acy or pre­cise de­tails. In her im­pres­sion­ist­ic im­ages, emo­tion­al col­ors rep­res­ent the found­a­tion for the ex­pres­sion of moods in the rep­res­ent­a­tion of light and air. She plays with the au­da­cious com­bin­a­tion and sound of rich con­trast­ing col­ors and with a fine col­or­ing play. Thus she con­jures a unique mo­ment on can­vas.