A match that in­spires Pas­sion!

Mi­chael Schreck­en­ber­ger used the match in many of his works as an ele­ment. Per­haps also be­cause his paint­ings and sculp­tures mean that the artist has now be­come too much hu­man­ized? This sounds slightly neur­ot­ic but un­der­stand­able.

For the first time this sym­bol ap­peared in 2007 as an in­sig­ni­fic­ant sup­port­ing ele­ment in the image "In the eye of the be­hold­er" and de­veloped into the hall­mark of the vari­ous artist.

It goes through many of his works - also in pictori­al, as well as in sculp­tur­al form. In many of the mo­tifs, the artist him­self pro­cesses per­son­al ex­per­i­ences, wishes and dreams without present­ing him­self, but only with the help of sym­path­et­ic devices. The sim­pli­city of the sym­bol was chosen by Schreck­en­ber­ger, since in this multi-layered, mov­ing themes, straight­for­ward and dir­ectly ap­proach without being too rad­ic­al and dis­turb­ing to the view­er. The match hat fans. Wheth­er
the dan­cer, the DJ, the push­ing of a baby car­riage, a gon­dola, a snow­board, a swim­mer, or simply burned - al­ways the beige, red headed match is a rep­res­ent­at­ive of man and all his trans­it­or­i­ness. Numer­ous rep­res­ent­a­tions, with the match­stick as main motif, have now been cre­ated as com­mis­sioned works.

I am a hand­some man who came from the spruce tribe, who is in the hike with him. "It's worth re­mem­ber­ing," says Mi­chael Schreck­en­ber­ger, and shows pride in the souven­irs, on matched fig­ures that bring friends of travel.