The ab­stract ac­ryl­ic paint­ing is one of the artist­ic ef­fect fields of Marco Jüttner, whose life has be­come dom­in­ated be­side the work of rel­ev­ant art.

More than 10 years ago he began self-taught with paint­ing. For his work he uses often struc­ture pastes and sealed the fin­ished work be­cause his artist­ic ap­proach is char­ac­ter­ized by the view that the im­ages should not only be seen but also be touched.

He ex­perie­ments not only in paint­ing but also with wood and metal. He pro­cessed found wood-pieces to art on metal ped­es­tals and lets stain­less steel sheets ac­cord­ing to his ideas with the weld­ing torch ed­ited to be un­usu­ally-ten­sion im­ages.