Aes­thet­ics and crafts­man­ship are the main pil­lars of his artist­ic philo­sophy. In his sculp­tures of wood and stone, the in­ter­play of form and ma­ter­i­al is an out­stand­ing as­pect of sculp­ture.

The use of nat­ur­al ma­ter­i­als and the de­lib­er­ate dis­play of crafts­man­ship marks the ex­cep­tion­al­ity of his art and for­mu­late a clear con­trast to the mass-pro­duced con­sumer goods that sur­round us in every­day life.

His "toch­able" works of art let us stop; they in­vite to take a look be­hind the cur­tain of every­day life.